Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wuthering Heights-Emily Bronte

Some things are so fantastic that you want to experience them again and again. I'm pretty sure this explains the clown car vagina phenomenon in the age of birth control. It also explains why there are a handful of books that I cannot stop reading. Wuthering Heights is at the top of the heap in that regard. I'm not even sure what it is, most of the characters are supremely unlikeable, including the famous protagonist/antagonist who pretty much makes the book, Heathcliff. At least he is an interesting character, albeit totally hateful. Catherine (Earnshaw) is a horrible, spoilt little monster who stopped being interesting as soon as she met the Lintons. Still, I could literally read this book every day of my life and be fairly happy about it.

There are other things. Alcohol, obviously. A good quiche. Sex, although not lately. Swimming. Go karts, I've only done it once but I know an obsession when I see one. Parasailing. Seeing something beautiful or hilarious or strange for the first time, although that is one that sucks because it can only happen one time for each new thing.

There are also things that I can go my whole life without experiencing even once. I know this, even though I haven't actually had the experience. Heroin, being stabbed and/or shot, torturing a cat, eating poo. Plenty of things.

There are a couple of things that I badly want to do, but fear holds me back. Keep in mind, I'm pretty much afraid of everything. It's not that I'm timid, I'm actually not timid at all. But I do have my share, and then some, of phobias, and beyond that I tend to overthink things. I have a few tattoos that I badly want to get but, I don't know that I could stand being stabbed with a needle for an hour or more. Especially since you can't be drunk beforehand...after having my eyebrow pierced when I was drinking, I understand the reason quite clearly. One just does NOT stop BLEEDING.

The other thing is sky diving. It's not the jumping out of a plane in general, although I'm terrified of heights (not planes though, unless they are over water which gets SUPER awkward when you travel across continents), it's not the idea that my parachute might fail. No, it's just my ankles. I twist my ankles regularly just walking. If I'm on my feet for more than a couple of hours at a time, I literally can't walk in the morning, they are that stiff and painful. I'd rather not think about what it will be like when I'm 50. I'm basically afraid that if I do jump out of a plane, and all goes well, my ankles will shatter on impact as soon as I land. And that cannot be pleasant.

On a totally unrelated side note, the conversion rate for ringgit to dollars is 3.5 ringgit (roughly, it changes daily) to one U.S. dollar. People have been asking!

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